Repair HVAC in PAX Terminal B3409 Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan
Notice ID: FA527025HVAC

Repair HVAC System for the pasenger terminal area of B3409 on Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan. Work includes replacing air handling units, associated supply/return ductwork, registers, grilles, piping, gate valves, insulation, digital direct controls, fire dampers, and installing additional split units. Testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) and commissioning of the mechanical system is required to ensure operational capabilities meet federal and industry standards. Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) and Lead Based Paint (LBP) have been detected throughout the facility; if ACM/LBP is encountered and will be disturbed in order to execute the contract, appropriate abatement shall be planned and performed in accordance with all applicible Government of Japan and Federal rules and regulations. Sustainable principles, to include life cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated omtp tje design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with UFC 1-200-02. 

Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
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