Assess dental unit water line contamination for all Roseburg VA Medical Center (RVAMC) Dental Clinics: Roseburg and Eugene. Contamination should not exceed 500 colony forming units per milliliter of water.
b. RVAMC employees will obtain the water samples from all functioning dental unit water lines in each dental operatory (air/water syringe, hand pieces, ultrasonic scaler), and placed in a sterile container provided by the contractor.
c. Sampling will take place monthly. If a sample fails to meet standards (equal to or greater than 500 CFU/mL), RVAMC shall take appropriate action to correct the deficiency and have the affected dental unit water line retested within one week.
d. Contractor shall provide bottles, boxes, and shipping labels for collecting water samples for all Roseburg and Eugene VA Dental locations. Contractor shall provide testing protocol (i.e., instructions regarding proper collection, to include constraints that may affect samples such as time, temperature, etc.) and water quality sample testing. There are 62 sites at the main Roseburg VA Health Care System (RVAMC) and 47 sites at our satellite clinic located in Eugene Oregon. We estimate 18 samples (to include potential retests) per month per site (36 total samples per month) will be required. Contractor shall estimate an additional 11 samples per month for potential retests.
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