QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Q&A) - SOLICITATION # 19SA7024Q0013 - (New Sprinter Van or Equivalent)
Q1: May I also consider an equivalent model if the delivery time doesn't comply with the contract?
A1: No.
Q2: My entity is registered with SAM, above NAICS might not be listed in the services, however, would be able to execute the requirement. Should I be able to participate, or do I need to update my NAICS?
A2: You may participate and meanwhile update your NAICS.
Q3: What is the use of this vehicle, for disabled persons, Cargo or any other purpose, any kind of seating is required in back?
A3: Any type/all-purpose vehicle (not for disabled persons).
Q4: Any specific color required?
A4: Black
Q5: Need latest model or 2023 is also acceptable?
A5: 2023 is acceptable.
Q6: Is there any specific body color preference or any other colors will accept?
A6: Black
Q7: If the vehicle model is 2023 it will accept or only go with 2024 model, please confirm this?
A7: 2023 or 2024, whichever is available.
Q8: I am a federal government contractor interested in this solicitation. May I ask if the sprinter can be purchased in the U.S. and shipped to SAU? How does that work?
A8: Yes, but we prefer a local purchase.
Note: if questions aren’t clear or require additional information, they will not be published in the Q&A.
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