Justification for Other Than Full & Open Competition for the Temporary Extension of OASIS Small Business (SB) Pool 6 Contracts IAW FAR 6.302-2, Unusual & Compelling Urgency ( GSA AAS TORFP 47QFSA24R0005 in Support of Air National Guard ARCWERX / ARTEMIS)
Notice ID: 47QFSA24R0005

This justification supported the extension of the OASIS SB contracts for offerors to the GSA Assisted Acquisition Service’s (AAS) Task Order Request for Proposal (TORFP) 47QFSA24R0005 in support of the Air National Guard Readiness Center Innovation Office (ARCWERX) Research, Test, Evaluation, Modernization, and Innovation Support (ARTEMIS) requirement by 30 days from their current ordering period, which expired on December 19, 2024, to a new ordering period end date of January 18, 2025. This extension allowed for TORFP evaluations to conclude and placement of the task order identified in this justification to be finalized. An additional 180-day ordering period "contingency option" was included in the extension to accommodate protest resolution should a protest be filed against the task order. If a protest is filed and the outcome requires the issuance of a new solicitation (not an amended TORFP), the ordering contracting officer will NOT be able to utilize OASIS SB for the recompete. The 180-day contingency option period may be exercised, if needed, only to allow ample time for the protest and any corrective action to be resolved. 

The specific contractors listed in the attached justification and submitted TORFP proposals remain the only contractors eligible for task order award. The TORFP was issued and competed among all OASIS SB Pool 6 contractors, and proposals were received prior to the contracts' original ordering period date of December 19, 2024. All contractors who responded to the TORFP are subject to the individual extensions documented herein. 

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