Notice ID: JA_12272024


TO:                 _______, Supervisory Executive Officer

CC:                 _______, Agency Competition Advocate

FROM:          _______, Deputy Mission Director

DATE:            December 19, 2024

SUBJECT:     Justification for Other than Full and Open Competition under the Expedited Procedures Package (EPP) for Afghanistan - Senior Program and Project Development Advisor.

  1. This document sets forth the facts and rationale justifying the use of other than full and open competition.

Approval is requested for the justification for use of other than full and open competition pursuant to the authorities under the Expedited Acquisition and Assistance Procedures (EPP) for Afghanistan, approved on December 9, 2021 and extended on October 7, 2023 through December 8, 2025. Your approval of this J&A constitutes the justification for other than full and open competition as required by Tab 1 (D&F for the Authorization of Less than Full and Open Competitive Procedures in the Modification or Award of Contracts) of the EPP.


It is recommended that you approve this justification for use of other than full and open competition pursuant to the Action Memorandum EPP for Afghanistan, approved on December 9, 2021. Your approval of this J&A constitutes the justification for other than full and open competition as required by Tab 1 (D&F for the Authorization of Less than Full and Open Competitive Procedures in the Modification or Award of Contracts) of the EPP.

  1. The nature and/or description of the action being approved:

This is a request to approve the use of the EPP limited competition award to hire _______ under a Personal Services Contractor (PSC) Position for a base period of five (5) months[1]. The estimated cost of this for award is approximately _______. Performance will commence o/a November 17, 2024 when all onboarding processes are completed. The place of work for this position is continental United States (CONUS).

  1. Description of the supplies or services required, including an estimated value:

________ will serve as Senior Program and Project Development Advisor, _____ in OPPD for USAID/Afghanistan. The estimated value of this 1-year base period USPSC contract is approximately ______. The value of the base period is significantly lower as all allowances such as post differential, danger pay, and Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) have been removed as the candidate would not be eligible while working remotely to provide virtual support during the base period, and the current USAID/Afghanistan duty station is Washington D.C. The Statement of Duties (SOD) for this position outlining the required services can be found (here).

  1. Statutory authority permitting other than full and open competition:  

AIDAR 706.302-70(b)(3) and 40 U.S.C. §113; see Action Memorandum titled “Expedited Acquisition and Assistance Procedures for Afghanistan” approved on December 9, 2021 and extended on October 7, 2023.

  1. A discussion of the proposed contractor’s unique qualifications or the nature of the acquisition that requires use of the authority cited. 

________ is eminently qualified to serve in this role. He worked in the Afghan Office of Infrastructure from 2010-2019 and is thoroughly familiar with the Mission’s programming. The Program Office requires an experienced hand to provide solid leadership. _______ is highly qualified and his prior experience working in the Mission will enable him to immediately contribute to the success of the USAID/Afghanistan Program Office

  1. A description of efforts made to ensure that offers are solicited from as many potential sources as is practicable.



  1. A determination by the Contracting Officer that the anticipated cost to the Government will be fair and reasonable.

The anticipated cost was calculated based on the classification grade and step range, including allowances. It is consistent with USAIDs Position Level and Market Value Determination and therefore is determined to be fair and reasonable. For this award the anticipated TEC amount is USD_______ for five (5) months base period.

  1. A description of the market research conducted (see FAR Part 10) and the results or a statement of the reason(s) market research was not conducted.

No formal market research was conducted, and the general costs of an offeror with _______ background, coupled with his salary history are deemed fair. The skills available in the US labor market are well known through USAID's ongoing recruitment and screening processes.

  1. Other facts supporting the use of other than full and open competition.


  1. Sources, if any, that expressed, in writing, an interest in the acquisition.


  1. The actions the Agency may take to remove or overcome any barriers to competition before any subsequent acquisition for the supplies or services required:


  1. Technical or Requirements Personnel Certification:

In accordance with FAR 6.303, I hereby certify that the technical statements included above which form a basis for the justification are complement and accurate in accordance with EPP titled Expedited Acquisition and Assistance Procedures for Afghanistan approved December 9, 2021 (attached).

_____________________________________                      _______________________

 Deputy Mission Director                                                       Date

  1. Resident Legal Office Clearance:

_____________________________________                      _______________________

Resident Legal Officer                                                           Date

  1. Contracting Officer Certification:

In accordance with FAR 6.303, I hereby certify that the justification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

_____________________________________                      ________________________

Supervisory Executive Officer                                               Date

Info Copy:

Deputy Mission Director

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