JAMF Brand Name Software Maintenance & Technical Support
Notice ID: 5000192111

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) administers America’s tax laws and collects
revenues that fund most government operations and public services. Each year, IRS
employees make hundreds of millions of contacts with American taxpayers and
businesses. The IRS and its employees represent the face of government to more
U.S. citizens than any other agency.
IRS is divided into three commissioner-level organizations, with its main functions in
four operating divisions: Large & Mid-Size Business (LMSB), Small Business / Self-
Employed (SB/SE), Wage and Investment (W&I), and Tax Exempt & Government
Entities (TE/GE). The agency currently employs nearly 105,000 employees. And owns
about 110,000 laptops/desktops, 10,000 servers and currently to include 500
MacBooks. The new MacBooks will require professional assessment security, staff,
and user testing. IRS provides service to millions of taxpayers to help them understand
and meet their tax obligations. We also deter people inclined to evade their
responsibilities and vigorously pursue those who violate tax laws. Service and
enforcement are equally important priorities for the IRS. We are committed both to
providing excellent service to taxpayers and enforcing America’s tax laws in a balanced
Since enactment of the Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA98), we have made
significant progress in improving our service, especially in areas of telephone and
electronic tax administration. While our commitment to service continues, we also
must sharpen our focus on enforcement. The IRS aspires to be a 21st century agency
with the human capital and technology capabilities to effectively and efficiently collect
the taxes owed with the least disruption and burden to taxpayers

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