*****AMENDMENT 02 - 3 June 2024 ****
This amendment is to provide the Industry Day Discussion Questions responses attachment.
*****AMENDMENT 01 - 22 April 2024 ****
This amendment to the Industry Day Notice provides:
1) Sign-In Roster,
2) The slide presentation for the meeting held on 17 April 2024.
*******UPDATE 15 MARCH 2024******
The Industry Day will be held on 17 April 2024 at 9:00AM local time.
If you have not provided the requested information and did not receive the location, please provide your information and we will email it to you.
Israel Industry Day Meeting for Construction projects in Israel. Hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District Projects
NAICS Code: 236220 – Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Europe District, in conjunction with the Israeli Ministry of Defense (MoD) intends to hold an Industry Day to present the Israel Foreign Military Sales (FMF) – Construction Program and contract opportunities for up-and-coming work valued at $1Billion over the next 3 years. Presentations will be provided on future USACE Israel FMF construction Best Value and Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOCs) and the future of the FMF program in support of the State of Israel.
The objective of the industry day meeting is to provide information to interested United States construction contractors and architect engineer firms on the general scope of USACE design build and design bid build projects within Israel; typical infrastructure and facilities being procured; potential repair, maintenance and construction opportunities to support MoD facilities in Israel; as well as information on the solicitation and proposal process for best value and the future MATOC(s). All briefings will be presented in English with no translations.
Currently the Israel FMF Construction Program has over $250M in on-going construction projects and over $1B in future projects. The Program projects four (4) to six (6) Best Value acquisitions ranging from $15M to $350M and approximately fifteen (15) $1M to $15M additional task orders on the Israel MATOC(s) over the next 3 years.
An Industry Day meeting will be held tentatively on 15 April 2024, and will be held at:
Alexandria, VA - Specific Conference location to be provided after pre-registration.
The agenda below is for reference and subject to change (Eastern Standard Time):
0900 - 0915 hours: Introductions
0930 - 1200 hours: USACE District Brief (Program Overview, Workload Projections, Proposal Requirements)
1230 - 1300 hours: Questions and Answers
This is an unclassified event and will not be provided virtually, but a copy of the presentation slides will be provided via email after the event to participants.
All interested attendees must pre-register for the Industry Day by e-mailing Robert Leitch, FMF Project Manager at robert.a.leitch@usace.army.mil, Ofer Davidi ofer.davidi.ln@usace.army.mil, Robert Corkrum at robert.e.corkrum@usace.army.mil and Christian Solinsky at christian.solinsky@usace.army.mil, referencing “Israel Industry Day” in the subject line of the e-mail. Registration e-mail must include the attached Industry Day DC Attendance spreadsheet to include: company name, names and e-mail addresses of all attendees, and suggested topics.. US firms must also provide CAGE information in the email. Contracts awarded by USACE under this program are restricted to US firms or joint ventures of two or more US firms. Telephone requests will not be accepted under any circumstance
Registered participants are encouraged to provide comments, in addition to any suggestions provided during the registration process. The source of comments will remain anonymous and may be addressed during the comment/discussion portion of the Industry Day event. Please send all comments by e-mail to Mr. Corkrum at robert.e.corkrum@usace.army.mil and Christian Solinsky at christian.solinsky@usace.army.mil, no later than 01 April 2024. Although additional comments will be welcomed during the event, e-mail requests beyond the due date may not be accepted. If you have provided information for a previous Industry Day, please provide the information again.
This announcement is not a contract solicitation, request for proposal of any sort, a promise to issue any future contract, or a commitment to offer work of any kind on the part of the US Government.
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