See Attachment 1 Salient Characteristics Gym Equipment for details and quantities required.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY document "W91WFU24R0003 Combo Synopsis Solicitation Gym Equipment." Complete the necessary fill-in portions highlighted in the document, and submit the completed solicitation document with the Quote.
Q: Is inside delivery required or is this a simple dock delivery?Is inside delivery required or is this a simple dock delivery?
A: Dock delivery
Q: Can you please confirm the full shipping address or closest port?
A: The full shipping address is:
U.S. Army, 1st BN-10th SFG(A), Bldg. 2960
Panzer Kaserne
71032 Boeblingen
Q: Can you confirm the contact name, email, phone number, and company name of your customs broker?
A: All logistics and customs questions may be directed to SFC Samuel Boursiquot; email
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