1. Priority 1 – Units 2, 4, and 5 exterior repairs
a. Repair or replace all damaged metal roof vents assemblies (boot, vertical sack, and cap)
b. Repair or replace all damaged ABS roof vent assemblies (boot, vertical pipe, and turndown cap)
c. Install adequate snow guards to prevent glaciating and sluffing snow
i. North elevation roof (Units 2 and 4)
1. 72’x28’
2. Slope @ 3:12
3. TJI (11-7/8”) @ 24” O.C.
ii. South elevation roof (Units 2 and 4)
1. 72’x8’
2. Slope @ 4:12
3. TJI (11-7/8”) @ 24” O.C.
iii. North elevation roof (Units 5)
1. 36’x28’ and 36’x19’
2. Slope @ 3:12
3. TJI (11-7/8”) @ 24” O.C.
iv. Southeast elevation roof (Units 5)
1. 36’x25’
2. Slope @ 4:12
3. TJI (11-7/8”) @ 16” O.C.
v. Southeast elevation roof (Units 5)
1. 36’x8’
2. Slope @ 4:12
3. TJI (11-7/8”) @ 24” O.C.
d. Install snow diverters or listed support assemblies for all roof mounted vents
e. Repair damaged rear door awnings and reinforce existing awnings to protect occupants against sluffing snow (2 awnings per unit)
2. Priority 2 – Units 1, 6, 14, 30, and 32 exterior repairs
a. Inspect all roof mounted vent assemblies for damage and repair as needed b. Install snow guards over all entry locations for occupant safety and over areas where ground mounted equipment could be damaged (e.g., AC condenser, satellite dish, etc.)
c. Install snow diverters or listed support assemblies for roof vents and chimneys as required
3. Priority 3 – Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 14, 30, and 32 interior repairs
a. Repair all moisture and water damaged sheetrock
i. Units 2, 4, and 5 have most substantial damage
b. Repair or replace casework with moisture and water damage
c. Reinstate all final finishes to that of original construction (e.g., paint and texture)
4. Site cleanup