Feed the Future Democratic Republic of the Congo Resilient Food Systems
Notice ID: 72066025R00005

The purpose of this contract is to increase the income and nutritional status of the targeted population through an inclusive and sustainable food and market systems-oriented approach that facilitates agriculture-led growth and utilization of nutritious food. This Activity will be USAID/DRC’s primary implementing mechanism to achieve Feed the Future targeted results and the objectives established under the Global Food Security Strategy Country Plan for the DRC. The two main goals of the Country Plan are to reduce poverty and severe malnutrition (stunting) by 20 percent in a designated FTF Zone of Influence (ZOI) in specific areas within Kongo Central and Kasai Central over a 5-year period, as measured through a pre- and post-program survey. The broad objectives of the FTF DRC Resilient Food Systems activity are to: 1. Promote inclusive and sustainable local systems and practices for agriculture-led economic growth; 2. Increase sources of resilience among people, communities and systems; 3. Increase the year-round consumption of safe, diverse and nutritious food; and 4. Effectively integrate prioritized cross cutting focus areas within every aspect, approach and initiative of the activity.

Related Notices: 72066025R00001

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