*****Amendment 2 published 8 November 2024*****
This is Amendment 2 to the subject RFP. A summary of changes and various document updates are now available in the Bidders Library. This amendment is to make administrative changes and clarifications. This amendment does not extend the proposal due date. This is NOT a request for proposals. Offerors currently in the competition will be notified within the source selection process.
*****Amendment 1 published 28 May 2024*****
Various document updates are now available in the Bidders Library and labeled with Amendment 1 changes. This includes questions submitted by interested parties and the Government's responses and a summary of all changes.
No substantive changes have been made to this RFP, and the original proposal due date remains 1500 Pacific Time on 2 July 2024.
A. Overview
The United States Space Force (USSF) Space Systems Command (SSC) Military Communications & Position, Navigation, and Timing (MCPNT) is releasing the RFP FA8807-24-R-B004 for the Evolved Strategic Satellite Communications (ESS) Space Development and Production effort.
B. ESS Space Development and Production
1. The Government intends to competitively award a contract for the development and production of four ESS Space Vehicles (SVs) with a Period of Performance through 2033.
2. The unclassified RFP documentation is located in the Bidders’ Library. Any vendors who are interested in competing and have not requested access must e-mail the following information to and copy the points of contact (POCs) listed at the end of this notice to obtain access.
2.1 Company Name:
2.2 Point of Contact:
2.3 Telephone:
2.4 Email:
2.5 Do you or someone in your organization associated with this contract opportunity have internal soft certifications (ECA) or an existing CAC card? (Y/N)
2.6 Do you or someone in your organization associated with this contract opportunity have an existing livelink account? (Y/N)
Upon receipt of this information, the Government will provide you with further instructions.
NOTE: Vendors who have previously registered and can still access the Bidders’ Library ARE NOT required to re-register.
3. Facility Clearance: In addition to registering for the Bidder’s Library, vendors must email the following information to the POCs listed at the end of this notice to facilitate a Facility Clearance check in order to be provided with the classified requirements for the solicitation.
3.1 Legal Entity Name (as registered in SAM):
3.2 Address(es) where classified work will be performed:
3.3 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code(s) for each address provided:
4. Vendors must also provide a POC for their organization who will receive the classified information via email on the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS). These emails will be sent during business hours following release of the solicitation via the System for Award Management (SAM). Up to 3 POCs may be submitted. The following information for each POC is requested via an email to the POCs listed at the end of this notice:
4.1 POC Name:
4.2 POC Email (ends with
4.3 POC Commercial Phone Number:
5. Vendors must submit a visit authorization request (VAR) for their POC(s) to validate access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) to include SI/TK. Submit the VAR(s) via the Defense Information Security System (DISS) to Subject Management Office (SMO) code SSC/CG with the following information:
Purpose: ESS Space Development and Production Request for Proposal
Date(s): 3 May 2024 – 28 February 2025
Security POC: Mr. Rudy Perez
Technical POC: Maj Nicholas J. Milano (310-653-1144)
6. Finally, vendors that need to verify or coordinate the Government's access to classified information that will be included with proposals should contact the POCs listed at the end of this notice.
7. Proposals are due by 1500 Pacific Time on 2 July 2024.
8. Related Notices:
Industry Day: FA8808-23-R-5000
Draft RFP: FA880724R0003DRAFT
Presolicitation Notice: FA8807-24-R-B004PRE
The NAICS code and size standard are 334220 and 1,250 employees, respectively.
While not a small business set-aside, responses from small and small disadvantaged businesses are highly encouraged. SSC’s Small Business POCs can be reached at
D. Questions
Questions concerning the RFP must be directed to the Primary Point of Contact, Brent Jorgensen, and Secondary Point of Contact, Matthew Spartz, listed in this notice.