BPA, Repair Furniture for Area IV
Notice ID: W90VN924R0006

Amendment 0001

See attached amendment 0001 for more details.


This is a non-personal services BPA to provide Wood Furniture repair, and recondition for Daegu Area, USAG Daegu. The BPA holder shall perform to the standards specified in this Performance Work Statement (PWS). BPA service providers shall be accountable solely to the BPA holder who, in turn is responsible to the Government. The BPA holder shall provide all personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities, transportation, tools, materials, supervision, and other items and non-personal services necessary as defined in this PWS.

All sources may submit a proposal or quote as applicable. However, the Republic of Korea (ROK)-United States (U.S.) Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), precludes the U.S. Government from granting Invited Contractor or Technical Representative status to any offeror, for this requirement. All sources submitting a proposal or quote, as applicable, including U.S. sources, must already have, or obtain the requisite business licenses directly from the ROK Government, and conduct business in accordance with all applicable ROK laws, including but not limited to, rules and policies regarding labor, taxation, and immigration. Any contractor not already doing business in Korea as a local source, must submit adequate verification in its initial proposal or quote, that it has the requisite authorization and capacity to compete for the requirement as a local source, and to perform the contract as a local source. If an initial proposal does not fully demonstrate this authorization and capacity, it will not be further considered for award.

Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
Contract Opportunities
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
Updated Date
Published Date

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