This acquisition is for receipt, inventory, accountability, maintenance, repair, periodic inspection and test, serviceability, marking, storage, security, shipping, and reporting of 9AF(AFCENT) WRM resources. WRM assets include, but are not limited to, such items as Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources (BEAR), Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE), Fuels Support Equipment (FSE), Tanks, Racks, Adapters, and Pylons (TRAP), Munitions Materiel Handling Equipment (MMHE), Rapid Airfield Damage Repair (RADR) assets, Sustainment Pavement Repairs (SuPR) kits, Vehicles, Munitions, Medical WRM, and associated Mobility Readiness Spares Packages (MRSP) and Peacetime Operating Stock (POS) at designated locations. The Contractor is responsible for the maintenance and repair of Government-furnished facilities (GFF) at specified locations while meeting environmental compliance requirements as well as maintenance and repair of Government-furnished property (GFP). When tasked, the Contractor performs outload of GPMS assets in support of operational contingencies and exercises; additional support may include performing serviceability checks, deployment out-load, in transit visibility (ITV), receipt, set-up, inventory, sustainment, condition sampling, redeployment or onward movement of assets/systems, assisting in tear-down and subsequent redeployment of WRM assets/systems. Upon return of WRM assets, the Contractor reconstitutes the equipment to a serviceable condition or disposes of it as directed by the Government.
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