6515–Brand Name Only – Verathon – Titanium LoPro GlideScopes and Accessories. Unrestricted
Notice ID: 36C24424Q0544

Statement of Need VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (646) Title of Project: Verathon Glideslope s and Accessories. Background: VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS) clinical areas have moved to the newest GlideScope on the market. The Simulation Center s current GlideScope s were purchased in 2013 and since that time the system has been updated to provide larger viewing screens and ease of access, also the new GlideScope s are more lightweight and portable than our current model. To prepare staff and healthcare trainees, it is essential that the Simulation Center s training is done utilizing the same equipment that is present in clinical areas. The GlideScope will be used to train new and current employees on how to intubate and respond to a difficult airway situation. Deliverables: Bflex 2 Lage 5.8 Single-Use Bronchoscope (Pack/5) #0570-0450 Qty. 1 Bflex 2 Regular 5.0 Single-Use Bronchoscope (Pack/5) #0570-0449 Qty. 1 Bflex 2 Slim 3.8 Single-Use Bronchoscope (Pack/5) #0570-0448 Qty. 1 GlideScope Go 2 Charging Cradle Kit #0800-0662 Qty. 1 GlideScope Go Monitor Kit #0570-0368 Qty. 1 GlideScope, Titanium LoPro T3 #0574-0147 Qty. 1 GlideScope Titanium LoPro T4 #0574-0148 Qty. 1 GS Core 2m QuickConnect Cable #0800-0682 Qty. 1 GS Core Smart Cable - Connects to Spectrum SU Blades & VB 2.0 Lg. #0800-0602 Qty. 2 GS Core Video Cable - Connects to Titanium Reusable Blades #0800-0604 Qty. 1 Lg Carrying Case GS Go #0800-056 Training and Installation: None required. Delivery: POC: Mary Ellen Elias; Nursing Educator, Sim Center, Education and Innovative Learning;MaryEllen.Elias@va.gov; (412) 360-6592 Deliver to the following location: Building 29, Room 2m301 VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System University Drive Pittsburgh PA 15240 Scheduling, Hours of Work, and Location: Deliver all line items specified under Data/Deliverables to point of contact during normal operating hours, M-F 8:00am 3:30pm: Delivery should be coordinated with the COR of the contract prior to shipping of any equipment. The Contractor must comply and provide all necessary information to VAPHS. Otherwise, the delivery may be refused and require redelivery at no additional cost to the government. Normal business hours for acceptance of deliveries are 8:00am-3:30pm, Monday thru Friday excluding Federal Holidays. Deliveries must be coordinated in advance with COR once a ship date is established. The COR, Biomedical Engineering and/or Logistics Representative shall be the only VA entity signing for freight received on this requirement. The VA-issued purchase order number must be included in the packing slip. All items included in the requirement shall be shipped and delivered to site at same time. If deliveries must be broken into several shipments due to size, this must be coordinated in advance with the COR. Failure the coordinate shipment with COR, may result in failure to deliver on site and cause re-scheduling of delivery/freight at no charge to the government. The packing slip must include the VA-issued purchase order number. PERIOD OF SERVICE: Delivery shall occur within 30 days of receipt of contract or must occur within the timeframe designated by the Federal Government. SECURITY/NATIONAL AGENCY CHECK REQUIREMENTS: No special security requirements are anticipated. Tuberculosis Prevention Standard Personnel Testing (PPD, etc.): Contractor shall provide proof of the following tests for personnel within five (5) calendar days after contract award and prior to the first duty shift to the COR and Contracting Officer. Tests shall be current within the past year. TUBERCULOSIS TESTING: Contractor shall provide proof of a negative reaction to PPD testing for all contract personnel. A negative chest radiographic report for active tuberculosis shall be provided in cases of positive PPD results. The PPD test shall be repeated annually. COVID 19 Contractor shall provide evidence of vaccination records or a negative COVID testing result within 72 hours of planned onsite visitation. This is to include installation, training, maintenance, and repairs. Emergency repairs will be evaluated on a case-by-case situation. HIPAA Training Certificates If Contractor will be working onsite for installation and activation of equipment, all HIPAA training completion documentation must be provided to the COR listed in the awarded contract. Smoking All VA Medical Center s property is smoke-free. Contractor personnel will comply with VA Medical Center s smoking policies. Violations will result in a warning and possible citation.

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