ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (JAN 2023)|19||||||||||||||||||||INSPECTION OF SUPPLIES--FIXED-PRICE (AUG 1996)|2|||TIME OF DELIVERY (JUNE 1997)|20|0001AA|2|02/01/2026|0001AA|2|04/01/2026|0001AA|2|06/01/2026|0001AA|2|08/01/2026|0001AA|1|10/01/2026||||||STOP-WORK ORDER (AUG 1989)|1||WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (JAN 2023)|16|Combo Invoice & Receiving Report||TBD|N00104|TBD|TBD|See schedule|TBD|||TBD||||||NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1|WSS|EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2|||INTEGRITY OF UNIT PRICES (NOV 2021)|1||WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES OF A NONCOMPLEX NATURE (JUNE 2003)|6|one year from the date of delivery|one year from date of delivery|||||WARRANTY OF DATA--BASIC (MAR 2014)|2|||SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (SEP 2023)|4|||||SAFEGUARDING SENSITIVE CONVENTIONAL ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES (NOV 2023))|9||||||||||EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 2020)|2|||TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA (OCT 2024)|2|||BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM-BASIC (FEB 2024)|11||||||||||||PROGRESS PAYMENTS (NOV 2021)|4|||||REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA AND DATA OTHER THAN CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA-MODIFICATIONS (NOV 2021))|7||||||||ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (OCT 2024)|13||||||||||||||BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (FEB 2024))|5||||||BUY AMERICAN-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE-BASIC (FEB 2024)|1||ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (JAN 2025)|13|333914|750||||||||||||TYPE OF CONTRACT (APR 1984)|1|Firm Fixed Price|NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PERPARDENESS, AND ENRGY PROGAM USE (APRIL 2008))|2||X|1. This is an Advanced Equipment Repair Program (AERP) sole source repair requirement.2. Please provide a Firm-Fixed Price (FFP) qualifying proposal for the full repair effort of the requirement. Please include the cost of new or estimated cost of new with the submitted proposal. 3. In repair price, include all costs associated with receipt and complete repair of the material that may be in unwhole condition, missing hardware, damaged, handling damage, missing parts, wear damage, and CAV Reporting. Also provide the following information: 1. Teardown & Evaluation Rate: 2. Repair Turn Around Time (RTAT): 3. Throughput Constraint: 4. Induction Expiration Date:4. Repair Turn Around Time (RTAT) - the resultant contractual delivery requirement is measured from the asset return to the asset acceptance under the terms of the contract. For purposes of this section, return is defined as physical receipt of the F-conditionasset at the contractor's facility as reflected in the Action Date entry in the Commercial Asset Visibility (CAV) system. In accordance with the CAV Statement of Work, the contractor is required to accurately report all transactions by the end of the fifth regular business day after receipt and the Action Date entered in CAV must be dated to reflect the actual date of physical receipt. The contractor must obtain final inspection and acceptance by the Government for all assets within the RTAT established in the contract. 1. Requested RTAT: 2 units by 02/01/2026; 2 units by 04/01/2026; 2 units by 06/01/2026; 2 units by 08/01/2026; 1 unit by 10/01/2026 2. Proposals shall reference the proposed RTAT and any capacity constraints.5. Price Reductions - Any asset for which the contractor does not meet the required RTAT will incur a price reduction of (TBD Price) per unit. This adjustment will be implemented via a Reduction Modification at the end of contract performance. Price reductionsmade pursuant to this section shall not limit other remedies available to the Government for failure to meet required RTATs, including but not limited to the Government's right to terminate for default.6. If requirement will be packaged at a location different from the Offeror's address, the Offeror shall provide the Company Name, Street Address and CAGE of the Packaging Facility.7. If the Offeror is not the Original End Manufacturer(OEM) of the material called out in the requirement, the OEM must be stated (Company Name and CAGE) and the Offeror must be able to provide a signed letter of authorization to perform repairs from the OEM onthe company's letterhead.8. All contractual documents (i.e. contracts, purchase orders, task orders, delivery orders and modifications) related to the instant procurement are considered to be "issued" by the Government when copies are either deposited in the mail, transmitted byfacsimile, or sent by other electronic commerce method such as email. The Government's acceptance of the contractor's proposal constitutes bilateral agreement to "issue" contractual documents as detailed herein.9. The contractor must obtain final inspection and acceptance by the Government for all assets within the RTAT established in the resulting contract.10. Any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation will be DO certified for national defense under the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS). Provision 52.211-14, Notice of Priority Rating for National Defense, Emergency Preparedness, and EnergyProgram Use, shall be inserted in solicitations when the contract to be awarded will be a rated order.11. Data Item A001 (Inspection and Test Plan) may be waived if already on file at NAVSUP WSS Mechanicsburg.12. Offeror's must have a valid U.S. Security Clearance of CONFIDENTIAL or higherin order to respond to this RFP N0010425RZB50, because the RFQ N0010425RZB50 includes an annex classified at the CONFIDENTIAL level which will be released only to offerors possessingthe appropriate clearance. All classified material must be handled in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NSPOM)(DoD 5220-22-M) and Industrial Security Regulation (DoD 5220.22-R).1. SCOPE1.1 This contract/purchase order contains the requirements for manufacture or refurbishment and the contract quality requirements for the PUMP, CENTRIFUGAL .2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Order of Precedence - In the event of a conflict between the text of this contract/purchase order and the references and/or drawings cited herein, the text of this contract/purchase order must take precedence. Nothing in this contract/purchase order,however, must supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.2.1.1 Documents, drawings, and publications supplied are listed under "Drawing Number". These items should be retained until an award is made.2.2 Identification of Classified Documents - This contract/purchase order requires the Contractor to have authorized access to classified documents in accordance with the attached Contract Security Classification Specification (DD Form 254). The classified documents and security level are: ;Cage 53711 Drawing 6984058 Rev A, Warren Drawing 51-A-28005 and NAVSEAS6226-P8-MMA-010, all Confidential.;DRAWING DATA=EB-5337 |96169| B| |D|0001 | B|00026|0000000DRAWING DATA=6984058 |53711| A| |D|0001 | A|00026|00000003. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Refurbished Material - This item must be inspected and where necessary, refurbished to be in accordance with CAGE ;63857; , drawing ;998F3489; ,and the applicable SUBMEPP Repair Instruction ;5080-012-0654 REV -Chg. 3, (CSD551); , except as amplified ormodified herein.3.1.1 Parts that are replaced during refurbishment must be in accordance with this TDP (Technical Data Package) and the SUBMEPP Repair Instruction.3.2 Contract Support Library - Additional requirements for this item are identified as Contract Support Library Reference Number ;CSD551, CSD458 AND CSD511; in ECDS at Confidential Hydrostatic Test Pressures - When test pressures are confidential, certification must reference ;Cage 53711, drawing 6984058 rev A; and the item number to which the item was tested in lieu of the actual pressures. Any drawing requirement tomark the working pressure on the item does not apply and is strictly prohibited.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS - NOT APPLICABLE.5. PACKAGING5.1 Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking - Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking must be in accordance with the Contract/Purchase Order Schedule and as specified below.5.1.1 Additional Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking requirements are included in the referenced Refurbishment Instruction or Procurement Specification from SUBMEPP.MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLEDATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION=ASREQDATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION=ASREQSee CSD (contract support document) called out within paragraph 3 - Requirements.All CSDs are to be obtained from ECDS (Electric Contractor Data Submission) at: documentation must be submitted via WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)to the maximum extent possible.