NSN 1R-1650-016629767-H5, REF NR 06208-04045-103, QTY 3 EA, DELIVERY FOB ORIGIN. This is a sole source requirement. The Government physically does not have in its possession sufficient, accurate, or legible data to contract with other than the current source. One or more of the items under this acquisition is subject to Free Trade Agreements.. (FAR 52.225-3). One or more of the items under this acquisition is subject to the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and Free Trade Agreements. (FAR 52.225-5) These items require Government Source Approval prior to award. If you are not an approved source, you must submit, together with your proposal, the informat ion detailed in the NAVSUP WSS Source Approval Brochure which can be obtained on the internet at https://www.navsup.navy.mil/navsup/ourteam/navsupwss/business_opps. Offers received which fail to provide all data required by the source approval brochure will not be considered for award under this solicitation. For information or questions regarding this notice, please contact Casey Brown at the email address: casey.m.brown20.civ@us.navy.mil.