Pursuant to FAR 5.202(a) (12), this is a non-mandatory synopsis. This solicitation is intended only for sources duly authorized to operate and do business in Japan as prescribed by DFARS 225.1103(3).
NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Yokosuka (NAVSUP FLCY) has a new requirement in support of the USS HOWARD (DDG-83). The repair and maintenance package of work items are included as Task Group Instruction, Attachment (I) TGI 38JC212311A01, 38JC212313A01, 38JC212314A01, 38JC212315A01, 38JC212316A01, 38JC212317A01, 38JC212331A01, 38JC212332A01,
38JC212333A01, 38JC212335A01, 38JC212342A01 and 38JC212343A01.
PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: 24 MAR 2025 through 17 NOV 2025
OFFER: Offerors must provide all information required by this solicitation no later than 31 JAN 2025
at 10:00AM Japan Standard Time (JST).
References in the Work Items will be provided to offerors via DoD safe (a web_based tool that provides users the capability to securely send and receive large files, including files that are too large to be transmitted via email.) Please email request for references to:
Takayo Shiba, Takayo.Shiba.ln@us.navy.mil
Ai Gillard. Ai.Gillard.ln@us.navy.mil