Final compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value.
7. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Tashkent, Uzbekistan, with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties. USPSCs may be authorized to telework or remote work only from a location within the country of performance, in accordance with Mission policy. Telework or remote work from outside the country of performance may only be authorized in certain situations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.
8. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The base period will be two years. Based on continued Agency needs, funds availability and satisfactory performance, the Contracting Officer may exercise (an) additional option period(s) for up to three (3) one-year option years to extend the period of performance as follows, not to exceed 5 years:
Base period
TBD - two-year period
Option period 1
TBD - one year period
Option period 2
TBD - one year period
Option period 3
TBD - one year period
The exact period of performance will be determined upon receipt of security/medical clearances and the estimated start date is expected to be in the summer of 2025.
9. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: United States (U.S.) Citizens.
Note: USAID provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, parental or pregnancy status, sexual orientation, or other non-merit factors.
USAID is an equal-opportunity employer and does not discriminate against qualified candidates with disabilities. Therefore, please let us know if you require reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodation means any change in the work environment, or in the way things are customarily done, that enables a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of a job. It also means a modification or adjustment that enables an applicant or employee with a disability to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by other similarly situated employees without disabilities.
10. SECURITY LEVEL AND MEDICAL CLEARANCE REQUIRED: Secret Clearance Level Employment Authorization.
Note: The final selected candidate must obtain a secret level clearance and State medical clearances within a reasonable period. USAID will provide details regarding these clearances to the selected candidate. If such clearances are not obtained within a reasonable time or negative suitability issues are involved, any offer made may be rescinded.
USAID/Uzbekistan is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Personal Services Contractor (PSC) - Senior Global Health Security Advisor.
The Senior Global Health Security Advisor fills a key technical and management role in the execution of USAID/Uzbekistan’s health mandate. The incumbent will help oversee USAID/Uzbekistan’s entire health portfolio, with a technical focus mainly on Mission’s Global Health Security (GHS) mandate, providing technical direction and strategic guidance to implementing partners and USAID staff. The Senior Global Health Security Advisor will also provide senior level management support to the Health Office Director and acts as back-up in their absence as needed.
The position will represent USAID, facilitating and maintaining collaborative working relationships with mid- to senior level counterparts from the Government of Uzbekistan (GOU), development partners, UN, the Global Fund, the private sector, multilateral partners, other USG agencies, and international and local non-governmental organizations. The role includes dialogue with technical staff and policy makers on innovative approaches that can be successful in improving Global Health Security in Uzbekistan, including emerging infectious and zoonotic diseases. The incumbent will be responsible for coordinating operational plans and for ensuring that the USAID/Uzbekistan’s GHS and TB programs invest in the highest impact and most cost-effective interventions to achieve their intended development results. The Senior Global Health Security Advisor will perform and/or direct a full range of consultative, advisory, program planning, financial/staff management, reporting, monitoring and evaluation functions.
In this role, the incumbent is also responsible for the direct supervision and mentoring of the Health Development Office’s Program Management Specialists to bring strategic oversight, technical expertise, and essential coordination to contribute to the program’s overall success. The Senior Global Health Security Advisor will guide staff in developing annual work objectives, conduct staff performance evaluations, manage awards, review and revise position descriptions, and develop and manage staff training plans. Furthermore, the Senior Global Health Security Advisor supports the USAID Health Office Director in budget planning, and monitoring of annual obligations, commitments and expenditures for USAID grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The incumbent recommends and organizes site visits for VIP visitors and provides clear briefings to visitors on the USAID portfolio.
The incumbent serves as Contracts/Agreements Officer’s Representative (C/AOR) and/or Activity Manager for USAID/Uzbekistan’s GHS awards and contracts, sharing the management of Mission’s GHS portfolio with another senior level FSN. The Senior Global Health Security Advisor is supervised by the USDH USAID/Uzbekistan’s Health Development Office Director.
Technical Programming (60%)
Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (25%)
Health Development Office Management and Staff Supervision (15%)
C. SUPERVISION RECEIVED: Formal supervision and evaluation will be by the Director of the Health Development Office, USAID/Uzbekistan.
D. SUPERVISION EXERCISED: Incumbent will have supervisory responsibilities for up to three Foreign Service National technical staff supporting management of USAID/Uzbekistan health programs.
E. AVAILABLE GUIDELINES: The incumbent is required to quickly understand Mission-, Agency- and GHS-specific policies and procedures which govern project design and activity management in addition to USAID/Uzbekistan’s established administrative operating procedures, policies and formats. Guidance from the supervisor is primarily with regard to policy, priorities, results to be achieved, basic approaches to be followed, and the nature and basic content of reports. Guidance from the supervisor and specific detailed instructions will be given (when necessary) for carrying out unique assignments. The incumbent will be required to be proactive in keeping abreast of evolving guidelines and policies which affect overall health activities within the region, including but not limited to the Agency’s Automated Directives System (ADS), General Notices/Mission Orders/Mission Notices, U.S. Procurement regulations, and USAID Program Strategy and Policy Documents.
F. EXERCISE OF JUDGMENT: Excellent judgment must be exercised in setting priorities. The use of initiative, discretion and patience is expected from the incumbent in dealing with U.S. interagency team and USAID office personnel and with representatives from other donor organizations to resolve problems that arise during the course of work for which there is often no clear or immediate solution. Considerable judgment is required in working effectively with officials of the government and the private sector, in overseeing grantees/contractors’ activities and coordinating multi-sectoral efforts in support of USAID development objectives, and in collecting, analyzing and reporting on progress of activities and recommending project actions. The incumbent will also be required to follow and adhere to USAID's Code of Ethics and Conduct.
G. AUTHORITY TO MAKE COMMITMENTS: The incumbent will have no independent authority to make resource commitments or commit the U.S. Government (the USAID/Uzbekistan Mission) funds on behalf of the U.S. Government or the USAID Mission. With concurrence from the Director of the Health Office, s/he will have authority to represent USAID in the articulation and negotiation of health program objectives.
H. NATURE, LEVEL, AND PURPOSE OF CONTACTS: To effectively function in this position, the incumbent will be required to establish and maintain effective working relationships with all categories of USAID staff, U.S. Embassy colleagues, U.S. Government inter agency network in the field and in Washington; high level staff of United Nations agencies (e.g., WHO, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Children Fund, United Nations Office for Projects and Services), other international and donor organizations; representatives of international, regional and local NGOs; civil society and faith-based organizations, private sector representatives and the general public. The incumbent will also be required to develop and maintain an extensive range of contacts with senior level government officials in the Ministries of Health and other relevant ministries, senior level business and community leaders in the region with the purpose ranging from simple information gathering to obtaining or verifying information.
12. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands.
After the closing date of the solicitation, applicants will be evaluated and ranked on the extent and quality of their education and prior work experience, leadership skills, job knowledge and interpersonal and communications skills per the criteria detailed in Section II and the following available points:
Education: 20 points
Prior Work Experience: 20 points
Leadership Skills: 20 points
Job Knowledge: 20 points
Interpersonal and Communication Skills: 20 points
Total Possible Points: 100
Applicants with the highest scores may be invited for a written test and/or an interview. In addition, the technical evaluation committee will conduct reference checks, which may include contacting individuals not specifically identified by the offeror. These checks may occur either before or after a candidate’s interview. The current employer, however, will only be contacted with the offeror's consent. Final selection will consider the quality of the reference checks.
The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/index/far.
A. A signed (hand or electronic signature) offer form AID 309-2, “Offeror information for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals,” available at: http://www.usaid.gov/forms.
B. Cover letter of not more than one page, including information on how the applicant meets the minimum qualifications listed in Section II of this solicitation.
C. Curriculum vitae/resume which MUST include:
- Paid and non-paid experience, job title, location(s), dates held (month/year).
- Specific duties performed that fully detail the level and complexity of the work.
- Names and contact information (phone and email) of current and at least two previous supervisors together with other professional references.
- Education and any other qualifications including job-related training courses, job-related skills, or job-related honors, awards, or accomplishments.
D. Supplemental documentation, specifically addressing each qualification as outlined in the solicitation, i.e. copies of diplomas, certificates or relevant degrees.
USAID has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual misconduct with the goal of fostering a respectful, safe, healthy and inclusive work environment. USAID maintains policies and procedures to establish a workplace free of sexual misconduct as described in Agency policy at ADS Chapter 113, Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct.
By acceptance of the contract, the contractor acknowledges having read, and agrees to abide by, the Agency’s ADS 113 policies and procedures.
SELF CERTIFICATION - Offerors must sign a Sexual Misconduct Self-Certification form [see hyperlink] related to sexual misconduct when submitting the offer. The signed form will be filed in the award file. If the offeror fails to submit a signed certification, the offeror will be determined to be non-compliant to submission requirements and will not be considered for award.
3. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, item 3, and submitted by email to EXO HR Specialist at: dkhamraeva@usaid.gov, with cc to Tashkenthr@usaid.gov. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. USAID will not ensure quality or completeness of electronic files attached to the e-mails.
4. The subject line of the Offeror submissions must read: SOL NUMBER, TITLE OF POSITION, LAST and FIRST NAME (e.g. 72012225R00001, Senior Global Health Security Advisor, Smith Jose).
The Agency retains the right to cancel or amend the solicitation and associated actions at any stage of the recruitment process.
Once the CO informs the successful Offeror about being selected for a contract award, the CO will provide the successful Offeror instructions about how to complete and submit the forms relating to:
As a matter of policy, and as appropriate, a USPSC is normally authorized the following benefits and allowances:
a) Employer's FICA Contribution
b) Contribution toward Health & Life Insurance
c) Pay Comparability Adjustment
d) Annual Increase (depending on satisfactory performance evaluation)
e) Eligibility for Worker's Compensation
f) Annual and Sick Leave
g) Holidays
h) Medevac Insurance
i) Access to Embassy medical facilities when in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
j) Paid Parental Leave Benefit
k) Relocation expense benefit
The following allowances will be authorized if/as applicable:
Ref: Department of State Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians Foreign Areas), available at https://aoprals.state.gov/content.asp?content_id=282&menu_id=101
a) Temporary Lodging Allowance (Section 120)
b) Living Quarters Allowance (Section 130)
c) Separate Maintenance Allowance (Section 260)
d) Education Allowance (Section 270)
e) Education Travel (Section 280)
f) Post Differential (Chapter 500)
g) Payments during Evacuation/Authorized Departure (Section 600)
USPSCs are required to pay Federal income taxes, FICA, Medicare, and applicable State Income taxes.
USAID regulations and policies governing USPSC awards are available at these sources:
The PSC Ombudsman may be contacted via: PSCOmbudsman@usaid.gov.