The purpose of this announcement is to notify Industry that:
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Europe Africa Central (EURAFCENT) Expeditionary will sponsor an Industry Forum on Tuesday, February 25 2025 at 0930 hour in Belgrade, Serbia. The Industry Forum will take place at a *TO BE DETERMINED LOCATION POSTED PREVIOUSLY TO THE EVENT*.
This half-day conference is designed to provide information on upcoming projects and contracting with the US Government to industry partners interested in providing design and construction solutions to the Navy. The forum offers a chance to gain familiarity contracting with NAVFAC and the US Government in general.
Any questions attendees wish to be addressed during the forum shall be submitted by email to Mr. Daniel Magrino at as early as possible, but no later than Tuesday, February 18 2025.
Who Should Attend: Any contractors interested in design and construction contracting opportunities with NAVFAC EURAFCENT, specifically regarding upcoming work in Serbia. Firms are limited to two (2) representatives per company as space is limited. Industry representatives interested in attending this event shall contact Mr. Daniel Magrino via e-mail at no later than Friday, February 21 2025 and provide the following information:
The agenda items to be discussed at the forum, generally, are as follows:
NAVFAC EURAFCENT will provide all materials presented at the forum to be posted on
This notice shall not be construed as a commitment by the Government to solicit contractual offers or award contracts. The Government will not reimburse the cost of any submission in response to this announcement – the entire cost of any submission will be at the sole expense of the source submitting the information. The Government will not reimburse respondents for any questions submitted or information provided as a result of this notice.