Amendment 0002 to Solicitation N6274224R6720 is issued, per attached.
Amendment 0002 entirely supersedes and replaces Amendment 0001. All contents of Amendment 0001 are now null and void, with Amendment 0002 governing in full.
Proposal due date is changed to 29 August 2024, no later than 11:00 a.m. Thailand time.
Please acknowledge receipt of the amendment.
Amendment 0001 to Solicitation N6274224R6720 is issued per attached.
Exhibit D BOQ revised per Amendment 0001 is provided in both excel and pdf. formats.
Please acknowledge receipt of the amendment.
Solicitation N6274224R6720 D/B UFC Construction of Entry Control Point, Perimeter Wall, and Access Roads in Basa Air Base, Floridablanca, Pampanga, Philippines is posted.
Exhibit A - Proposal Inquiry form and Exhibit D - Blank Bill of Quantity (BOQ) in excel format are provided for your use.
Pre-Solicitation Site Visit (PPSV) is scheduled on 8 August 2024, at 08:00 a.m. local time, meeting at Basa Air Base Main Gate, GPS Coordinate 14°58'40.77"N, 120°30'10.32"E.
Contractors not included in the base access request will not be allowed to attend the site visit, in reference to Sources Sought N6274224R6720.
The date for submission of proposal is 26 August 2024, no later than 11:00 AM Thailand time.